Tommy Jeans T-shirt Blue #1516551

Tommy Jeans T-shirt Blue #1516551

Tommy Jeans T-shirt Blue #1516551

Lowest price in the last 45 days: £ 48,75

Prices and availability may change several times a day. Check the current data directly in the e-shops. You can find all available colors and sizes directly in the e-shops.

Tommy Jeans T-shirt Blue - product description

T-shirt - Tommy Jeans - Blue.

This product is in the category Short sleeve shirts, belongs to the brand Tommy Jeans in size 2XL, in color Blue, material composition 3% elastane, 97 % organic cotton, you can find it at the store and is designed male.

Product Tommy Jeans T-shirt Blue #1516551 can be found among the products in the group T-shirts with short sleeves, belongs to the brand Tommy Jeans, the size corresponds to the label 2XL, in color version Blue, material version is 3% elastane, 97 % organic cotton, you can find it at the store and is designed male.

Product Tommy Jeans T-shirt Blue #1516551 is assigned an EAN code 8720643260679.

Tommy Jeans T-shirt Blue - product parameters

Designed formale
Material97 % organic cotton, 3 % elastane
CategoryShirts, Shirt, Shorts, Sleeves, T-shirts, Short sleeve shirts, T-shirts with short sleeves, Jeans, Organizers
BrandTommy Jeans
Material3% elastane, 97 % organic cotton
Designed formale

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