ARMODD Prime smart watch colour Black/Metal 1 pc

ARMODD Prime smart watch colour Black/Metal 1 pc

ARMODD Prime smart watch colour Black/Metal 1 pc

Lowest price in the last 45 days: £ 59,92

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ARMODD Prime smart watch colour Black/Metal 1 pc - product description

ARMODD Prime, 1 pc, Fitness Equipment for Men, Keep track of your daily physical activity and biometric data and keep track of your performance. A smartwatch ARMODDPrime is the ideal accessory for monitoring a healthy lifestyle. Characteristics: modern design touch control system metallic body Bluetooth coloured display replaceable strap measures heart rate tracks your menstrual cycle collects and analyses data during any physical activity mobile application pedometer measures blood pressure monitors sleep music playback function phone notifications waterproof design The set contains: Armodd Prime charging cable

This product is in the category Smart watch, is in the offer of brand ARMODD in size 1 pc, you can find it at the store and is designed female, male.

Product ARMODD Prime smart watch colour Black/Metal 1 pc has an EAN code 8595683503570.

ARMODD Prime smart watch colour Black/Metal 1 pc - product parameters

Designed forfemale
CategoryFitness, Watches, Smart watch
Size1 pc
Designed forfemale, male

ARMODD Prime smart watch colour Black/Metal 1 pc - price and availability history

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